Monday, August 11, 2008


I finished reading Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds last week. What a wonderful book! Although the book is about how to create more effective presentations, there are many principles that would serve us well if we implemented them into all aspects of our lives. The principle that I was drawn to the most was simplicity. I kind of chuckle to myself as I write this, especially given that this is "back to school" season. This is a season of optimism and hope for a new year...a fresh start with exciting challenges to overcome. Unfortunately, this season also usually comes with an impossibly long list of a variety of projects that I want to try. So how can this impossibly long list be balanced with the principle of simplicity? In this case, I think that simplicity can mean using focused efforts on a few tasks rather than trying to do everything all at once. Simplicity isn't necessarily taking the easy way out, but it can make a large difference in the big picture.

I wish you the best for a back to school season of simplicity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At what point do we post student work to the www without editing it? I posted a comment on my blog and I would love your comments.